Tuesday of Holy Week, Day 36 | 40 to Life

Hello Redeemer family, I am Robin Teasley, here at Redeemer for a time to help with worship and pastoral care. 

For our 40 to Life daily reflection on this Tuesday of Holy Week, the Gospel according to John has us in Jerusalem along with the crowds for the festival of the Passover. 

You can read the whole passage (John 12:20-36) but what stood out for me is this part – 

Among those who went up to worship at the festival were some Greeks. They came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida in Galilee, and said to him, "Sir, we wish to see Jesus." Philip went and told Andrew; then Andrew and Philip went and told Jesus.

In this crowded city 

where people of the Jewish faith were gathered for their high holy day, 

there were also some Greeks – 

people who likely worshiped other gods or no god at all. 

But these Greeks had heard about Jesus, they were seeking something, 

and they felt compelled to see Jesus.

As we move through Holy Week toward our high holy day on Easter Sunday, perhaps we might take some time this week to think about two things

First, we know what is coming on Sunday, but might we take some time 

to think about the story that is told this week, leading up to Easter. 

Enter the story on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. 

Join us for worship in person or online as we desire to see Jesus

Second, there will be people joining us on Sunday who may not have been here often, if at all. They may be compelled by the Spirit to be here – 

They may be seeking Jesus.


Perhaps we can be attentive to the seekers – even the ones who might sit in our pew, and the ones who might not know what to expect.

Take some time this week to pray for those who wish to see Jesus, 

and welcome them warmly, so that they will hear the story of our faith 

and experience the joy of the Resurrection.


Wednesday of Holy Week, Day 37 | 40 to Life


Monday of Holy Week, Day 35 | 40 to Life