Welcome! Our church is intergenerational, inclusive, and fun – and YOU are invited.
We welcome you if you’re single, married, divorced, disillusioned, partnered, LGBTQ, filthy rich, dirt poor, or struggling to speak English. We offer a special welcome to those who experienced religion as a source of persecution or are suffering in mind, body, or spirit. Bleeding hearts, hardened hearts, questioning hearts, brimming hearts: come on in.
Where to park? Handicapped parking is available in the half-circle drive at the front of the church facing Salisbury and Winterfield Roads. Additional handicapped parking is behind the church. General parking is behind the church with an entrance through the back courtyard.
What to wear? You will see heels and suits and jeans and t-shirts. Wear what makes you feel good.
What is “the vibe?” There may be wiggly toddlers, a wheelchair parked in the sanctuary, or a service dog in a pew. Our church feels both traditional and modern - and that melding is a beautiful thing.
It’s my first time here - What do I do? Our worship follows the “liturgical” rhythm based on the Book of Common Prayer. Some will stand, kneel, and make the sign of the cross - but it’s ok if you do not. Our prayers and responsive readings are in the bulletin and we do a lot of singing. Before Communion, we “pass the peace” - when we greet each other with handshakes or the peace sign.
At Holy Communion, all are welcome to receive bread and wine. You do not have t be Episcopalian. This is God’s table. If you need a gluten-free wafer, just whisper that when you go up to the altar. For a blessing instead of the bread and wine, simply cross your hands over your chest in an ‘x’ at the altar.
For Parents? We have a nursery for infants and toddlers and Children’s Chapel during part of the service. Sunday School is just before the worship service. You are welcome to nurse babies in the sanctuary if you prefer, we also have a nursing room available (ask an usher where to find the room).
After worship? Join us after worship for Coffee Hour and conversation. Any questions are welcome - ad kids jonesing for a sweet, too! If you would like information about becoming a member, please call the church office at (804) 379-8899 or fill out our contact form (general contact form link).