What is Youth Formation?

Redeemer has a comprehensive spiritual curriculum of fun and faith-enhancing activities for our wonderful youth (grades 6th-12th).

Register for Sunday School Today

Sunday Mornings

Contact Steve Schmidt, Children and Youth Vestry Liaison.

Sundays at 10:00am

6th Grade to 8th Grade

Through the Re-Form curriculum, middle school youth dive into Bible stories, ancestors, and traditions of the church.

Journey to Adulthood (J2A)

9th Grade & 10th Grade

This curriculum offers the opportunity to engage prayer and scripture in new ways. Following 9th grade, youth will be invited to join fellow high school students (10th-12th graders) on a Mission Pilgrimage Trip.

Think. Believe. Do. (T.B.D.)

11th Grade & 12th Grade

T.B.D. offers the opportunity to examine faith by asking questions about sin, mission, salvation, and the Bible. Learn more about T.B.D. Here.

Sundays at 9:00 or 11:00 AM - Lay Readers & Acolytes

6th to 12th Grade

Youth are invited to partake in leadership opportunities during our Sunday services.

Acolyte Contact: Dan Walker, Director of Acolytes

Lay Reader Contact: Steve Schmidt, Children and Youth Vestry Liaison

Beyond Sunday Mornings - Youth Group

During the school year our middle and high school-aged teens gather monthly for fun and fellowship. To learn more, Click Here.

High School Mission Trips

9th Grade to 12th Grade

We take a special Mission Trip every other year. The next one will be in summer of 2026.

Middle School Outreach Camp

6th Grade to 12th Grade

Mid-August. Each August, rising 6th-8th grade youth are invited to an all-day youth outreach camp. During this week, we visit local organizations to learn and serve. Registration is usually sent out in March with a registration deadline at the beginning of June. Safe-Church Trained adults are invited to chaperone.

Redeemer's Committee on Children & Youth Ministries

A faithful group of Redeemer parishioners forms our Committee on Children & Youth Ministries. We meet monthly to plan how to guide our youngest parishioners in their faith journey.

To volunteer or learn more, please contact: Steve Schmidt, Children and Youth Vestry Liaison