Redeemer Parish has a rich history of serving all God’s people, and we do so in a variety of ways.
Redeemer has provided support for the following:
Churches Around Richmond Involved To Assure Shelter (CARITAS)
Victims of major natural disasters
Rise Against Hunger
A cooperative church-based food pantry
Meals on Wheels
Habitat for Humanity
Bensley Elementary School
Red Cross Blood Drives
Lenten Food Drives
Diaper and clothing drives
Holiday meal bags
Holiday gifts for children and adults
Recognizing and supporting active military persons and veterans
For more than 20 years, Redeemer’s Christmas Tree Lot has been our main fundraiser for outreach. The trees are cut shortly before delivery, ensuring that Redeemer offers some of the highest quality trees in the Richmond area, and enabling our parish to continue its tradition of generosity as we seek to be the hands and feet of Christ.
Please contact Caroline Head or Grace+ to learn more and get involved!