What is Children's Formation?
Children’s formation has long been a hallmark of Redeemer, and we love seeing our children continue to grow in numbers, and more importantly, in faith. In addition to weekly Sunday School, we provide offerings throughout the year.
Register for Sunday School Today
Contact Children and Youth Vestry liaison Steve Schmidt through the church office - 804-379-8899.
Sunday School
Begins each year in September at 10:00 AM. If your children are older than 5th Grade, please go to the Youth page. https://www.redeemermidlothian.org/youth
Weaving God’s Promises 3-year-olds to 5th Grade
This curriculum provides the opportunity to explore Bible Stories, sacraments, liturgy, and more! Weaving God’s Promises meets children where they are in developmentally appropriate ways. Our children will be grouped as follows:
PreK3 & PreK4
Kindergarten & First Grade
Second & Third Grade
Fourth & Fifth Grade
Acolytes & Lay Readers
Starting with Fifth Grade
Children from 5th-12th grades can become acolytes and lay readers during Sunday Eucharist Services. Please email Steve Schmidt or Dan Walker for more information!
Children’s Chapel
Ages Three to Fifth Grade
Children may attend chapel during Sunday service. They gather at the front of the sanctuary before processing to the Children’s Chapel room for child-centered Christian education until just before Holy Communion. Adult volunteers welcome!
Worship Bags
Worship Bags with crayons and other activities are available for children if they wish to stay with their parents during the service.
Nursery | 8:30 AM - 12 PM
Our warm, welcoming nursery is located in our Education Wing and is staffed by paid, Safe-Church Trained adults and is designed to give parents time for their own spiritual nourishment. Children of all ages are always welcome in our worship services -from nursing babies to wiggly toddlers. Please email Kristen Wheeler, our head nursery attendant, for more information about our nursery ministry!
Redeemer's Committee on Children & Youth Ministries
A faithful group of Redeemer parishioners forms our Committee on Children & Youth Ministries. We meet monthly to plan how to guide our youngest parishioners in their faith journey.
To volunteer or learn more, please contact:
Contact Steve Schmidt, Children and Youth Vestry Liaison.
REDS is a preschool and day school ministry of Redeemer. We proudly celebrate their dedication to nurturing students and serving the community. Recently, they showcased their achievements at CCPS, reflecting on their commitment to excellence and innovation in education. Please see photos of their impact above.