Bensley Outreach

In 2018, Redeemer’s rector, Fr. Robert Marshall, suggested collecting school supplies and backpacks for a school that had a diverse population and economic needs. Bensley Elementary School, a Title I school in Chesterfield County was chosen as the school, where approximately 90% of its students receive free or reduced-price lunch. The Episcopal Church Women sponsor the backpack and supplies project each year.

Because of an interest in expanding Redeemer’s partnership with Bensley, Redeemer’s rector, assistant to the rector, children’s and youth director, and a member of Outreach met with Bensley’s principal and assistant principal in August 2020 to brainstorm other ways that we could be in community with Bensley. The administration proposed a Homework Buddies program with Bensley classroom teachers in which a Redeemer volunteer would partner to assist each classroom teacher with student needs. Because of the pandemic, implementation of this program has been delayed.

As an additional project, Outreach voted to provide lunches for Bensley staff to show care and concern for teachers and other employees who have had an extremely stressful fall due to the pandemic. We delivered 75 lunches from the Great Harvest Bread Company to Bensley on November 19. The staff deeply appreciated the treat of having lunch provided.


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