Building & Grounds Update

The barbecue team assessed the grills and other cooking equipment this weekend. We cleaned some grills and made notes on what needed maintenance or repairs! Gregg Kalata also brought his power washer and we scooped out accumulated mud and raked out leaves and made several trips to the woods to dump them. We will hang the ladder on the fence as soon as I get the necessary hooks? And we cleaned up the Christmas tree table and poles area!

We do have 2 metal poles that are currently sitting outside of the pen that really should be recycled/reclaimed if anyone knows somebody who does that. Also, some of the Christmas tree metal poles are in that same category!

Lastly, the heavy duty dolly that transports the Christmas tree cutting table had a shredded tire. I will get to Northern tool soon to buy a replacement!

-Steve McGurl


Lent Day 20 | 40 to Life


Lent Day 19 | 40 to Life