Lent Day 13 | 40 to Life

The below reflection was provided by the Diocese of Southern Virginia:

Wednesday in the Second Week of Lent

O God, you so loved the world that you gave your only-begotten Son to reconcile earth with heaven: Grant that we, loving you above all things, may love our friends in you, and our enemies for your sake; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Being a Christian, means being in community with all sorts of people. This collect reminds us that it is just as important to love our enemies as it is to love our friends.
Growing up we are taught about forgiveness and how important it is to show grace to all of God’s people. When we forgive someone, we do it so that we can let go of the negativity that holds us captive, not necessarily for the benefit of the person who wronged us. It does not require both sides to participate in this act.
As adults we are challenged to take this process a step farther. We are asked to reconcile with our neighbors. While forgiveness allows us to move on, reconciliation allows us to restore something back into harmony. This work can be harder than the work of forgiveness and is often on those who have perpetrated the harmful act. It requires being vulnerable, honest, willing to hear the others’ views, and owning your part in the schism.
Today, the Church has made reconciliation work a priority for us in several different communities. What role can you play in the reconciliation work of the church or even in your own life?

The Diocesan Lenten Reflections come from clergy and laity in each of our nine convocations. The reflections are based on the collect appointed for each day in Lent. Today's collect and the associated daily readings can be found HERE.


Lent Day 14 | 40 to Life


Lent Day 12 | 40 to Life