REDS Update from Robert+

July 8, 2021

Dearest Redeemer Family,

A little more than three-and-a-half years ago now, when our daughter Preskitt was about to become a big sister, she no doubt had A LOT of questions, even if she didn’t always verbalize them.  How was this new baby going to change her life?  Why do Mommy and Daddy even need another child?  Will I keep my room and do I have to share all my stuff?  Those are the sorts of questions existing members of a growing family always ask in one way or another.  Things as they have come to know and enjoy them are inevitably going to change at least somewhat; and while it is difficult to see in the midst of change, those changes can actually be a really good thing.

Many of you have likely heard about and/or noticed the exciting new growth we are experiencing within our Redeemer family by way of our expanding Day School, R.E.D.S.  That new growth has likely left some of you with questions.  My hope is, what follows will help to answer most if not all of your questions regarding R.E.D.S.

  • R.E.D.S. is part of the Redeemer family.  It was established as “an organization of the Episcopal Church of the Redeemer and is part of the church’s total ministry”.  In many churches that means the church finances most if not all of such a school, but R.E.D.S. has been blessed with the sort of growth that has helped make them virtually self-sustaining.  More on the finances later.  

  • As previously mentioned, a growing family means some things will be shared.  The most obvious sharing will entail space in our educational wing.  Most Sunday school classrooms will be R.E.D.S. classrooms and all R.E.D.S. classrooms will be Sunday school classrooms.  The two ‘siblings’ as it were, will prepare those classrooms for the other at the end of their weekly usage.

  • The only space now used exclusively by the school that was previously used exclusively by the church is the former children’s chapel which is now the school resource room.  Children’s Chapel has continued in Parish and Pinder Halls, and soon we will announce an entirely new space for such.

  • The couches remain in our youth rooms and those rooms will only be used for the church’s youth.

  • The R.E.D.S. expansion for 2021-2022 includes the addition of 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grades - one class each.  R.E.D.S. is expanding in response to strong desire by many in the area for a primary school.  All of the classes for the fall are full and we have an extremely long waiting list.

  • The short-term plan for R.E.D.S. is to add a 5th grade class next year in order to become a viable primary ‘feeder’ school.  At the moment, the long-term plan for R.E.D.S. is still fluid as the REDS board considers several options and possibilities.  In that regard, it is important to note that Episcopal Church of the Redeemer parishioners currently and will always hold the majority of seats on the R.E.D.S. board in order to be aware of and involved in protecting the parish’s interest.

  • The vestry is now taking more of an active role as well in regard to R.E.D.S., with reports on not only school financials but other school news at every monthly vestry meeting.

  • The operational structure of R.E.D.S. is: the Rector and R.E.D.S. school board hire the R.E.D.S. head of school after first securing the vestry’s approval of said candidate.  The Rector and the school board have authority over operational decisions regarding R.E.D.S.  The vestry is notified of any changes in operation and when warranted must approve them.  The R.E.D.S. head of school is part of the Redeemer staff.  The R.E.D.S. head of school hires and manages all school personnel and creates a budget for the school that is approved annually by the R.E.D.S. school board.  The budget covers all school staff pay as well as part of workers’ compensation, liability insurance, custodial care, and various other expenses.  

Which finally brings us around to the finances.

  • So that we might squelch any rumors to the contrary, R.E.D.S. is not suddenly ‘rolling in the dough’.  They, in fact, have a budget that is very much in line with covering their salaries, costs, and various other expenses with a small portion left for improvements and emergency situations.

  • For anyone who may wonder if any part of the money they pledge or donate to Redeemer is being used to fund or support R.E.D.S., in a direct budgetary way, the answer is no.  If one wants to consider the logistical costs of building operation, i.e. lights, water, sewer, gas, etcetera then, the answer is yes…as part of R.E.D.S. being part of Redeemer’s total ministry; part of the Redeemer family.

  • Because of the recent blessings of increased income and what will soon be increased use of space, R.E.D.S. has agreed to pay for the daily custodial care for that part of the building, totaling more than $5,500 per year.  REDS will also pay for their portions of Workers’ Compensation and Liability Insurance which totals more than $3,000 per year.

  • In addition, REDS is paying for the installation of new carpet in the upstairs hall as well as some other flooring, paint, and furniture.  All of these things and others will be benefits to our entire Redeemer family.

  • The school and the church will also share in any costs of wear and tear on church property, since we are sharing in its use and we are all members of the Redeemer family.

While plenty of faith communities are struggling with decline, thanks be to God, our Redeemer family is growing!  That is a huge blessing, but a blessing we know brings about questions.  Questions around growth and change are only natural.  After all, things we have come to know and enjoy together are inevitably going to change at least somewhat.  I hope in the midst of such changes, we will recognize the overwhelming good in it for all of us and remember first and foremost, all of us are the family of Redeemer.

I hope this letter answered any questions you may have had regarding the growth of R.E.D.S.  If not, please feel free to reach out to me personally.    

Love & Blessings,



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