The Annual Meeting

Upcoming Annual Meeting

Episcopal Church of the Redeemer

January 30, 2022 at 11 AM

Annual Meeting

REDEEMER WILL HOLD its annual meeting in person in Parish Hall or via livestream, Sunday, Jan. 30, 2022, at 11 AM for the purposes of reviewing reports, electing vestry, receiving comments, and answering questions.


Before the meeting please review the Annual Report to discover what your vestry and volunteers have accomplished, understand our finances, and meet our vestry nominees. At the meeting, we will review portions of the report: financial report for 2021; and the approved budget for 2022.


In person in Parish Hall or electronically via Livestream at 11 AM

Questions may be submitted ahead of time for answering during the meeting if time permits. Otherwise, you will receive a timely response from a vestry member.


The following persons are candidates for the four vacancies on Redeemer's Vestry, Class of 2025: Dale Bateman, Caroline Head, and Jared Taylor. Their photos and biographies are found in the Annual Report.

Choose either one of these two ways to vote: electronic ballot by clicking on the action button below or by using a paper ballot, which is a duplicate of the electronic ballot. Each person in a household who attended via Livestream should cast a separate ballot. The voting link will be active from noon on Jan. 30 to noon on Jan. 31. Votes will then be tallied and certified before announcing in the church's e-newsletter.

If you wish to vote by paper ballot, please stop by the church office on Monday, Jan. 31, between 9 AM and noon. The ballots will be in the church foyer for you to mark, fold, and place in the white deposit box next to the exterior door.


Epiphany 7 Sermon | Allison Pace


Tea of Hope 2021