Tea of Hope *rescheduled
Anticipating 3rd time is a charm
It is a joyful thing for Redeemer’s Tea of Hope committee to announce the resumption of final planning for this new ministry, postponed twice by COVID-19 but now re-scheduled for 2-4 pm Saturday, Nov. 6 in Parish Hall. A focused afternoon tea for women touched by cancer, this is a by-invitation-only event that purposefully serves the spiritual, social and inspirational needs of our sisters who are cancer survivors or serve/served as caregiver to someone dear to them.
Over two years ago co-chairs Alida Martin and Barbara Metz discussed their interest in starting this ministry at Redeemer. We are grateful for affirmation from Fr. Robert and initial funding received from Redeemer’s Outreach Committee. The Tea of Hope committee includes the generous service of Archer Parkerson, Beth Daniel, Doris Wier, Jean Jordan, Margaret Bonifant, Pat Carmichael and Sue Perry, with pastoral care by Rev. Grace and additional help provided by parishioners offering to assist with food prep, table hostessing or as servers. Thank you, Karen Haneke, for help enlisting many of our helpers for us, and to Beverly Vandevender and Casey Cole for all their support in the Redeemer church office.
For further information about Tea of Hope, or to assure we have your name on our invitation list of women touched by cancer, please contact: Alida (804-337-3284, alidanmartin@gmail.com);
Barbara (513-310-5356, barbarahmetz@yahoo.com)
or Pat Carmichael, (804-347-2324, pwcarmichael@verizon.net).
We do not want to miss anyone who should receive our invitation in the Fall.