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Vacation Bible School

RISING 6th-9th GRADERS are invited to Redeemer's FIRST Youth Outreach Camp. From Monday, August 15, to Thursday, August 18, from 9 AM to 3 PM, we will visit, learn about & serve local organizations in Richmond and Midlothian. We have 9 more openings for the week! The cost is $75/youth for the week (rental vans & a monetary donation for each organization). Checks can be made payable to "Episcopal Church of the Redeemer" with a memo line "Youth Outreach Camp 2022." The registration form is found in the parent and weekly e letters and can be submitted to Allison via email or in-person. If you have not filled out a liability/media release waiver for your youth please do so in the parent and weekly e letters. To make this week possible, we are in-need of at least 3 more adult volunteers. Please email Allison if you are able to help.

Forms & payment are due by Wednesday, June 8.

July 21

Holy Eucharist @ Spring Arbor

July 24

Pentecost 7