Out of gratitude for the blessings of this life and the love of God, we seek to join together to discover, share, and discern as we nurture loving relationships with God, creation, and all of God’s children.
Jeremiah Mission is a committee that was established in April 2021 as a branch of Redeemer’s Outreach Committee. The name for Jeremiah Mission was chosen by the committee to reflect the words of prophet Jeremiah,
“Thus says the Lord: Act with justice and righteousness, and deliver from the hand of the oppressor anyone who has been robbed. And do no wrong or violence to the alien, the orphan, and the widow, or shed innocent blood in this place”
Jeremiah 22:3
This verse reflects Jeremiah Mission’s values as we seek to reflect the love of Christ in this ministry.
In her address during the 129th Annual Council, Bishop Haynes identified five initiatives for the Diocese of Southern Virginia. Jeremiah Mission’s ministries focus on two of these initiatives: Creation Care & Becoming Beloved Community.
Becoming Beloved Community
“The [Diocese of Southern Virginia] will commit to engaging the journey to Becoming Beloved Community, improving our understanding of what it means to live ‘racially just lives,’ and endeavoring to be agents of truth telling, healing, justice and racial reconciliation, “ (The Rt. Rev. Susan Haynes)
Created in 2013 by the Diocese of Southern Virginia's Repairers of the Breach Task Force, this video acts as a resource to understand the past and present influence of slavery and racisim in our diocese.
Jeremiah Mission strives to heal and transform injustice and brokenness in ourselves, our church, and society so that we can become a beloved community. Jeremiah Mission engages with this work through guest speakers (the Rev. Canon Willis Foster, Canon for Diversity), building ecumenical relationships with neighboring churches, volunteer opportunities at Shalom Farms, and book studies (Richmond’s Unhealed History by Benjamin Campbell - Spring 2022).
Creation Care
“In Jesus, God so loved the whole world. We follow Jesus, so we love the world God loves. Concerned for the global climate emergency, drawing on diverse approaches for our diverse contexts, we commit to form and restore loving, liberating, life-giving relationships with all of Creation,” (Episcopal Covenant to Care of Creation)
This video showcases the opening remarks for Redeemer's second celebration of the Season of Creation.
As caretakers of God’s creation, we strive to grow our love for the Earth, advocate for those in need, and reduce our climate impact. Jeremiah Mission cares for creation through the Season of Creation (Sept. 1 - Oct. 2), advocating for recycling at Redeemer, and trash pickups on Belle Isle.
Please come and share this journey with us and participate in developing creative ways to love and care for God’s creation and all of God’s children. Jeremiah Mission typically meets the third Wednesday of the month at 6:30pm in Pinder Hall. Please check Redeemer’s calendar for the most up-to-date information.
For more information, please contact The Rev. Grace Rigby,