Baptism is the sacrament for welcoming people into the body of Christ. Through baptism, we acknowledge and celebrate God’s love and embrace; they are unconditional and absolute.



Confirmation is a significant sacramental rite and a step one can take to make a “mature public affirmation of [one’s] faith and commitment to the responsibilities of Baptism and to receive the laying on of hands by the Bishop.”



We are happy to explore your interest in having your marriage blessed and celebrated here at Redeemer.



Attending or planning a funeral? We have all the information you will need.


Being sealed by the Holy Spirit and marked as Christ's own forever.

Baptism is the sacrament for welcoming people into the body of Christ. Through baptism, we acknowledge and celebrate God’s love and embrace; they are unconditional and absolute. Baptism is also a time when the community of faith gathers together to renew its own commitment to Christ and to support those who are being baptized in their new life in Christ. As such, the Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated in the context of the Baptismal candidates ongoing relationship with the community of faith and within the Eucharist as the chief service on a Sunday.

In the early Church, adult baptisms were the norm as more and more people heard and responded to the Gospel. While there are fewer adult baptisms in the Episcopal Church today, they are cause for great celebration in their witness to God’s ongoing, active presence at work among us and in their affirmation of God’s promises of new in abundant life in Christ. We encourage adults who have never been baptized in any other church and are exploring the Christian faith at Redeemer to discuss the possibility of baptism with the clergy.

When a child is born in the parish, it is cause for rejoicing in the entire Body of Christ. At Redeemer, the Pastoral Care committee and the clergy are eager to support new parents. During the pregnancy or at the time of birth, we encourage parents to contact the church. This will enable us to begin providing support and information about baptism and nurturing your child to grow in the love of God.

Our Book of Common Prayer designates certain days in the liturgical year as being especially appropriate for the celebration of Holy Baptism.



Confirmation is a significant sacramental rite and a step one can take to make a “mature public affirmation of [one’s] faith and commitment to the responsibilities of Baptism and to receive the laying on of hands by the Bishop.” A Bishop of the Diocese of Southern Virginia will preside at this service.

Our teenage confirmation participants take part in a weekly class on Sunday mornings, using a program called Confirm not Conform. Teenagers or their parents may contact Director of Children & Youth Ministries, Allison Pace. Adults who are interested in confirmation should call the church office at (804)379-8899 to inquire about the next adult confirmation class.



We are happy to explore your interest in having your marriage bless and celebrated here at Redeemer. If your wedding takes place at Redeemer, we want you to know that our parish family will do whatever we can to make your wedding day a blessed one. There are certain guidelines that we follow concerning marriages; many of them are required by the canons (laws) of the Episcopal Church. Parishioners in their adult children may be married at Redeemer. If you would like more information including our wedding guidelines and forms please contact the Parish Administrator at (804)379-8899.


“The liturgy for the dead is an Easter liturgy.  It finds all its meaning in the resurrection. Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we, too, shall be raised.” - The Book of Common Prayer - page 507

A funeral service in the Episcopal Church is a worship service.  Because our time on Earth is a gift from God, the Church celebrates that – from baptism, to confirmation, to marriage, to a funeral.

Episcopal Church of the Redeemer encourages parishioners to plan for their own funerals.  Death is often unexpected and is always a time of sorrow.  Planning your own funeral with the assistance of the clergy and having these plans on file in the Church Office is a deeply faithful and meaningful act and can be a comfort to remaining family.