Please call the church at 804-379-8899 with any questions!

Holy Eucharist is held at Redeemer every Sunday. Services can be attended in person or virtually using the link above. Worship will be held in the Nave. We are currently offering one service: Holy Eucharist Rite II at 10:30 AM.

Rite II is a more contemporary service at 1o:30 AM, which will have organ music & congregational singing. Children of all ages will be invited forward to receive a blessing before heading to Children's Chapel. The children will return to their parents during the Peace. Worship bags and the Good Shepherd's Corner will be available for children who wish to stay with their parents during worship. We ask that parents please stay with their children while using the Good Shepherd's Corner.

Learn more about the Rite II here!


Sign up for ministry

roles here.


Morning Prayer

Join The Rev. Grace Rigby every Monday - Thursday at 8:30 AM for Morning Prayer. This service has a rich history in the Anglican Communion and is a great way to begin the day. When joining, you can either follow along in the Book of Common Prayer, use the bulletin displayed on the screen, or simply listen and pray. Morning Prayer is roughly 20 minutes long and the intercessions will cycle through the names of our Redeemer family. We hope to see you there!


Redeemer has two new ways to worship remotely:


Lay Eucharistic Visitors continue to take bread and wine to Redeemer family members unable to join us on Sundays. If you or another parishioner would like to receive in-home Eucharist, please call the church office at 379-8899 before 3:00 PM on Friday.

Weekly distribution of consecrated bread and wine to be consumed while viewing the streamed services on Sunday. You can call the office to reserve your consecrated bread and wine.


Worship services are made possible through the devotion of many people who attend Redeemer.  Their common purpose is to use music, ritual, and decoration to create an atmosphere during services that will help parishioners of all ages to develop the spiritual side of their natures and create a closer relationship with God.

Anyone who feels called to join any of the following ministries is welcome.  No experience is necessary; training will be provided.


Members of this group set the Lord’s Table by preparing the bread and wine for the Eucharist and arranging the altar and nave for worship.  If you have a special feeling for the liturgy and like to work in the background, this may be your calling. 

Contact: Norma Harris,


Members of this group provide the flowers and greenery that grace the altar for services, including the spectacular displays for Christmas and Easter.  No experience is necessary; everyone is welcome.

Contact: Stephanie Churchman,


Donald Anderson, Director of Music, leads this group in providing choral and instrumental music. When COVID restrictions are lifted, choir practice will be every Thursday at 7:30 p.m.

Contact: Donald Anderson,


Members of this ministry read aloud the Scripture lessons. At the early service, they also read the prayers of the people. To sign up, please contact Doug Schutte below for more information.

Contact: Doug Schutte, or 804-323-3095


These are the prayers tailored to the liturgy of the day, which are to be read at Sunday services and responded to by the congregation. 

Contact: Helga Gallahan,