Durable Medical Equipment | DME
Redeemer has a variety of DME to lend on a temporary basis to church members, their family or friends. We have the following that may be borrowed:
Standard canes, flex-tip canes both small and large base, quad canes both small and large base.
Roller walkers, hemi-walker, standard rollator walker, and a bariatric rollator walker.
Bed-side commodes, bed safety rail, shower seat, shower bench, and tub-side grab bar.
Transport chairs, crutches, forearm crutches, arm sling, and grabber devices.
To borrow any of these items, please contact one of the following three people:
Mike Webb (804) 502-1853 4mcwebb@gmail.com
Lou Markwith (804) 239-5303 Ln_markwith@verison.net
Dave Lipp (804) 339-3910 lipprva@gmail.com
If you are considering a donation to our DME closet, please contact Mike Webb before bringing your donation to the church. At present, we are looking for the following: wheelchair, standard-size rollator walker, a toilet seat riser, and other items we don’t have on the list above.