Pastoral Care is the way we reach out to our church family, friends, and neighbors when there is a need.
Pastoral care at Redeemer covers a wide spectrum including the typical expectations of hospital visits and ministry at the time of death, but because of the involvement of many caring parishioners, pastoral care here goes much further.
Receive care.
“In case of illness, the Minister of the Congregation is to be notified.”
The clergy of Redeemer are here for you. Whether you or a loved one are in the hospital, recovering from a mental health crisis, living in an assisted living community, or homebound, Grace+ and Jenny+ are here to offer a pastoral presence.
The clergy attempt to see every person on this list as often as possible, but due to privacy laws, hospitals no longer provide information regarding parishioners unless specifically directed to do so by you upon admission. If you or a loved one are in the hospital, or in need of special prayers, we invite you to contact us in the Church Office (804-379-8899) or fill out a pastoral care request form here.
Give care.
“Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received.”
Here at Redeemer, there are many ways for parishioners to serve fellow parishioners. We live into our call to provide pastoral care by first being a loving community that responds to challenges of faith, life crises, and ordinary questions along the way. If you feel called to engage in this ministry, we encourage you to explore the various opportunities available below and reach out to the contact person.
This ministry creates beautiful altar flower arrangements for our Sunday morning worship services and then takes those arrangements apart to deliver to our home-bound and hospitalized parishioners.
Our Lay Eucharistic Ministers are trained parishioners who take communion to serve to those who are unable to come to church.
Meal Train simplifies the organization of meal giving around significant life events. We strive to simplify and promote interpersonal relationships between friends, families, and neighbors through meals.
This team provides knitted and crocheted items for friends and family members who are ill, grieving, or simply need to feel as though they are physically wrapped in prayers. New in 2021, they offer knitted baptismal blankets.
are an informal group of Parishioners who volunteer to take fellow members to doctor’s appointments, or Physical Therapy appointments, to the grocery store and run general errands. This service is provided when a member is unable to temporarily drive because of an injury or illness.
When a request is received, email is sent to all drivers on the volunteer list and church members are assign based on their availability. In recent years, the service has been extended to friends of Redeemer Parish when we become aware of a Community need.